Wednesday, March 08, 2006

SNV Condemned Latest Attack On Serbs

Kosovska Mitrovica, 06 Mar 06 (KIM Radio) – Sunday night an attack on Serbs from Staro Gracko near Lipljan is just one more indicator of the real-life safety situation for Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. The Executive Committee of the Serbian National Council for Kosovo and Metohija (IO SNV) most strongly condemned this act of Albanian extremist groups which was directed to intimidate and exile the remaining Serbs from environments in which they still try to survive despite all the discrimination and threats. It is suspected that because Serbs still are the majority in Lipljan, in last couple of years three attacks have happened at the same spot. This is reason enough for the international community to finally protect the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.

It is not a coincidence that this attack just like many other attacks on Serbs in the province, happens at a moment of a visit by a high international community official, which in this case was Martti Ahtisaari.

IO SNV believes that with this incident Albanian extremist groups are trying to send Ahtisaari a direct message that they will not accept the promises which he gave to the Serbian community in Lipljan municipality, which are in relation to the enabling of the survival and return of the Serbs. IO SNV calls on the international community, KFOR, and the UN that in accordance with the situation in the field they offer protection and provide safety for the Serbian and Non-Albanian communities in Kosovo and Metohija and that way create conditions for the survival of the Serbs in the province.


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